I put in under the xml folder.

To get libexpat.lib double click the included  lib/expat.vcxproj and convert it.

Build expat

The .dll and lib is created in expat/win32/bin

To reduce the size of the libexpat.dll set in 
properties/linker/debugging/generate debug info to No.

For the C99 issue with VC11, see  www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?t=7777

Found glitches in the libaprutil.dsp

-  Missing in line LINK the path to libexpat.dll:  

-  With converting the libaprutil.dsp to a .vcxproj  the $(XML_PARSER) is not 
filled  in:


  Adding XML_PARSER=libexpat to the .dsp does not help, so replaced 
$(XML_PARSER) with libexpat.

Only solution I see,  is to add to apr cvtdsp.pl the parser to be used by 
replacing $(XML_PARSER).

Did not build with cmake and .mak files. 

For the time being I stick with the former xml build, I see no advantage. 

> Op 18 okt. 2017 om 23:13 heeft Gregg Smith <g...@gknw.net> het volgende 
> geschreven:
>> On 10/18/2017 7:58 AM, William A Rowe Jr wrote:
>> Please cast your votes on the following candidate packages;
> I'm not there to vote yet, my question is how did you expect us to build APU 
> with a precompiled lib and this lib put where?
> Looking at both makafile.win and libaprutil.mak I see not much for pointers 
> here. I see an include of ./xml/expat/lib in libaprutil.mak so do I really 
> have to put expat in the xml folder? Seem it should be outside the apr-util 
> folder so the include would be like /I ../expat/lib
> Further, no /libpath: pointing to where libexpat.lib is grabbed from at apu's 
> linking. I don't remember vc ever being that smart to just find it, it knew 
> it was in ./xml/libR because that's where it put xml.lib, which we don't have 
> anymore.
> cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_shared=OFF
> gives me an expat.lib, not libexpat.lib, so unless I'm missing something 
> really obvious that's right under my nose, I don't get it :)

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