Am 18.10.2017 um 16:58 schrieb William A Rowe Jr:
Please cast your votes on the following candidate packages;

Release apr-1.6.3
   [XX] +1 looks good
   [  ] +/-0 since
   [  ] -1 because

Release apr-util-1.6.1
   [XX] +1 looks good
   [  ] +/-0 since
   [  ] -1 because

Release apr-iconv-1.2.2
   [XX] +1 looks good
   [  ] +/-0 since
   [  ] -1 because

General comments:

- Announcement and changes download file not yet present for check.
- you might want to add your (sub?) key to the KEYS file

Detailed APR test results:

- files signed, checksums correct

- svn compared with gz, bz2 and zip only minor differences
  (libtool m4 files in gz and bz2, which seem to not get
   cleaned up by buildconf)

- I built and made check on the following platforms:
  - Solaris 8 Sparc, gcc 4.1.2
  - Solaris 10 Sparc, gcc 7.1.0
  - SuSE Linux Enterprise 10 32, 10, 11 and 12 64 Bit
  - RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 64 Bit

- config.guess timestamp='2017-09-16',
  pretty much up-to-date

- config.sub timestamp='2017-09-16'
  pretty much up-to-date

- all builds succeeded

- all "make check" ran fine, except for
  - binding to ::1 on Solaris with only IPv4 active,
    not a regression:
      testsockets: Line 131: Could not bind socket (126):
      Cannot assign requested address
      Line 189: Condition is false, but expected true
      FAILED 1 of 7
  - Solaris 8 (not a regression):
      testsock: Line 116: Problem generating sockaddr (670008):
      host/servname not known
      Segmentation Fault (coredump)

- Some warnings during "make check":
  - Solaris 8+10 (not a regression)
      testsock: Line 433: Cannot test if connect completes synchronously

  - Solaris 8+10, OK doesn't know how to cork
      testsockopt: Line 84: TCP isn't corkable

  - Solaris 8, OK doesn't have "unsetenv"
      testenv: Line 75: apr_env_delete
               Line 106: apr_env (skip recycle test_emptyenv)

  - Solaris 8, OK doesn't support pollcb
      testpoll: Line 584: pollcb interface not supported
                Line 611: pollcb interface not supported
                Line 637: pollcb interface not supported
                Line 653: pollcb interface not supported
                Line 836: pollcb interface not supported
                Line 733: pollcb interface not supported

  - Linux only 64 Bits: OK, no LFS needed on 64 Bit OS
      testlfs: Line 349: LFS support a no-op in 64-bit builds

- tests succeed for apr-util 1.6.1 on top of apr 1.6.3
  for all of the above platforms (all observed test failures
  are old and not related to the new version).

Detailed APR-UTIL test results:

- svn compared with gz, bz2 and zip only expected differences

- files signed, checksums correct

- I built and made check on the following platforms:
  - Solaris 8 Sparc, gcc 4.1.2
  - Solaris 10 Sparc, gcc 7.1.0
  - SuSE Linux Enterprise 10 32, 10, 11 and 12 64 Bit
  - RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 64 Bit
- using all combinations of:
   - apr 1.6.3
   - expat 2.2.4
   - OpenSSL 1.0.2l (plus some patches)
   - dso disable / enable
   - Berkeley DB 6.1.19
   - sqlite 3.20.1
   - mysql 6.1.10
   - oracle (Solaris 10), resp. (Solaris 8)
   - platform nss (Solaris 10 and RHEL 6)

- make check for all builds was successful

Detailed APR-ICONV test results:

- svn compared with gz, bz2 and zip only expected differences
  - but autom4te.cache could probably be removed before packaging
    tar.gz and tar.bz2

- files signed, checksums correct

- builds fine in combination with APR 1.6.3
  - some compiler warnings

- no check/test make target

I did not actually try to use the build result.

Additional test info:

- httpd test framework looks good for httpd 2.4.29
  using apr/apu 1.6.3/1.6.1 on Solaris 10, SLES 11+12 and RHEL 6+7
  (reallyall module set, shared and static linking,
   MPMs prefork, worker and event, log level trace8)
  I need to give it a final look, details will follow on dev@httpd.



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