> So: besides Jon, who in the community expects/desires to maintain this going 
> forward? 

I have been maintaining a fork for years, so don’t mind helping maintain this 

> On Apr 28, 2024, at 4:08 AM, Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> wrote:
>> A separate subproject like dtest and the Java driver would maybe help 
>> address concerns with introducing a gradle build system and Kotlin.
> Nit, dtest is a separate repository, not a subproject.  The Java driver is 
> one repository to be in the Drivers subproject.  Esoteric maybe, but ASF 
> terminology we need to get right :-) 
> To your actual point (IIUC), it can be a separate repository and not a 
> separate subproject.  This permits it to be kotlin+gradle, while not having 
> the formal subproject procedures.  It still needs 3 responsible committers 
> from the get-go to show sustainability.  Would easy-cass-stress have 
> releases, or always be a codebase users work directly with ?
> Can/Should we first demote cassandra-stress by moving it out to a separate 
> repo ? 
>  ( Can its imports work off non-snapshot dependencies ? )
> It might feel like an extra prerequisite step to introduce, but maybe it 
> helps move the needle forward and make this conversation a bit easier/obvious.

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