Best of luck with a quick recovery!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 10, 2015, at 8:02 PM, Sally Khudairi <> 
> wrote:
> Here's to your successful surgery and speedy recovery, Melissa!
> Wishing you the best,
> Sally
> [From the mobile; please excuse top-posting, spelling/spacing errors, and 
> brevity]
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Melissa Warnkin" <>
> To: "Members - Apache" <>, "Dev" <>
> Date: Fri, Jul 10, 2015 20:21
> Good evening and Happy Friday!!
> Due to medical reasons, I am unable to attend OSCON and "woman the booth"; 
> therefore,  I am in need of someone that can replace me as the booth 
> coordinator.
> Crucial dates:
> Exhibitor Move-in:  Monday, July 20th, from 8:00 - 5:00; Tuesday, the 21st, 
> from 8:00 - Noon
> Expo Hall Hours:  Tuesday, the 21st, from 5:00 - 6:00 for the opening 
> reception; Wednesday, the 22nd, from 10:00 am - 4:30 and the booth crawl is 
> from 5:40 - 7:00.
> Exhibitor Move-out:  Thursday, the 23rd, from 5:00 - 9:00pm; Friday, the 
> 24th, from 8:00 - Noon
> Job responsibility:
> Set up and tear down the booth (an hour (tops) of work, if that, on both ends)
> Keep the table supplied with the giveaways (all boxes will be in the booth, 
> so all you have to do is open them and set the items on the counter! And this 
> year I have a new hanging banner to replace the honking 8'x8' monster wall 
> banner that took two people to assemble!!)
> Coordinate with the others that have volunteered their time to assist with 
> booth duty so that someone is at the booth at all timesMingle, network, and 
> have fun!!!Eat, drink, and be merry!
> What's in it for you, you might ask?!:
> The pleasure of replacing me! ;) LOLIf you agree to be the coordinator and 
> fulfill the roles as described above, The ASF will cover your travel and 
> expenses, which also includes the hotel and expo hall registration, which 
> allows you to attend all the evening events and lunches.Please get back to me 
> with your interest ASAP so that I can make the necessary arrangements.  Local 
> folks strongly preferred (naturally) due to the lateness of this notice, and 
> this offer does not apply to International folks (sorry - you all know that I 
> love you, but we can't justify that expense!).
> Your help is greatly appreciated.  I was just informed yesterday that I have 
> to go in for surgery on the 22nd, hence the very late notice.
> I already have several folks lined up for booth duty; however, they are 
> attending OSCON with their day job, and so their main responsiblities are 
> with their companies.
> Please get back to me ASAP if you are able to help!!
> Thank you so much!
> ~M

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