On 02/10/2016 08:17 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
> Hi!
> I wanted to amplify Ross' concerns, but I wasn't sure how to cast
> it in an actionable way. As the luck would have it -- now I do. So
> here's what I'm struggling with: as many of you should know by
> now there's a live event schedule for Feb 19-21:
>     http://hackillinois.org/opensource
>     https://hackillinois.org/
> Think of it as Google Summer of Code, but done live and on a much
> more compressed schedule. I got invited there to help facilitate student
> contributions to the ASF projects. I have a wide exposure to at least
> Big Data ASF ecosystem so I can guide them through the basics and
> I can help with mechanics of contributing to ASF. That's all good.
> The only thing I can NOT do all by myself is figure out how different
> ASF communities would like to leverage this free labor (and hopefully
> build lasting relationships with some of these students). My thought was
> to do what we typically do for GSoC -- reach out to all these communities
> and suggest that they either tell me how to get the list of 'low hanging 
> fruit'
> JIRAs/ideas or suggest they tag the ones they would like me to offer
> to students with 'hackillinois2016' tag. Pretty easy hand off.
> Now with the http://helpwanted.a.o entering the picture how do you suggest
> I frame this ask I was about to send out today?

HW has a tag system built in, that allows you to tag things as, for
instance, GSoC. You can then, with the widget, choose to display only
items with that tag, either by project or foundation-wide, so that's one
thing that springs to mind.

But as stated before, this is merely a notice board that you put tasks
on, it's not a bug or feature tracker. Syncope is however already using
it, and their first task was (as I understand it) already picked up by
someone who saw the widget, so it does work - in part (or so I guess)
because of its simplicity.

My suggestion would be that, until we figure out a common syntax for
these kinds of tasks in JIRA/BZ, people would just create a
JIRA/BZ/whatever as the usually do, but make a quick 'job offer' on HW
which links to that ticket/page and then tag is as 'hackillinois' (we
would temporarily change the 'add/edit task' page to accommodate this).

Any project could then put the widget on their web site and either track
what they need or what the foundation as a whole wants done.

The foundation-wide widget would be something like:

or for a project like, let's say Hadoop:

The HW front page doesn't have terribly clever support for tags yet, but
I can work on that soon.

With regards,

> Thanks,
> Roman.

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