Apologies. At least the first sentence, and first half of the second is true. 
Catching up on a long thread and obviously being lost in who said what.

Back to the main point of the thread :

We should be aware that human nature means we recognize and reward behavior 
that looks like our own behavior. This results in a reinforcement of the status 
quo. It doesn't change things.

We should not be accepting damaging behavior.

We should be calling out mistakes, preferably privately as people don't usually 
mean harm. If we are called out we should consider if it's appropriate, 
apologize and move on. Most importantly we should seek to change that behavior.

As someone who is least affected by this issue I know how hard it is to change 
a behavior that my society has accepted for all of my privileged life. Beating 
people up for who they are is not how we make a difference. I, and others like 
me, did not choose to be white, male and English speaking. However, we can 
choose to be aware of the privilege this brings us. We must seek to break the 
behaviors of a lifetime.

Recognizing the effort in others to learn and adapt, even if imperfect, is how 
we make a difference.

I know from personal experience that this leads to positive action (as opposed 
to talk). Thesr people (and certainly I) will make mistakes, but it doesn't 
mean they are a part of the problem by choice.

Help them learn. Help them adapt.


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From: Rich Bowen
Sent: Friday, March 29, 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: on "meritocracy"
To: dev@community.apache.org

On 3/28/19 11:28 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:
> Naomi, you are showing great tenacity and patience here. I fully support your 
> goals, but I do worry that demanding the foundation "police" these things by 
> forcing people to behave in a way you find acceptable is counter-productive.

FWIW, Pierre used the term "policing".

Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com

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