Hi Kaiming,

Since AutoMQ isn't part of the ASF Flink project, I'm not sure if it makes
sense to document this in the Flink documentation. There are many
technologies compatible with the Kafka API, but we also don't have those
listed in our docs and I don't think we should.

Best regards,


On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 11:57 AM Kaiming Wan <wan0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,I am a developer from AutoMQ who want to contribute an integration doc
> to flink. Regrettably, I did not see an "Integrations" related section in
> the official documentation. The only section that might be somewhat close
> is "Connectors". However, our situation is quite special. Since AutoMQ is
> fully compatible with Kafka, it does not require a new connector to
> integrate with Flink. Attached is the integration documentation I wrote.
> Where should I contribute content like this? If there is currently no
> suitable section, can I propose that the Flink official documentation open
> an "Integrations” section to carry this kind of content?

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