Laszlo Vegh

Hi all, 

I have a PR ( which replaces the 
current custom HMS schema evolution tool with Liquibase. The PR contains two 
documents about the possible benefits, and about how to contribute new schema 
changes in the new ecosystem.

Unfortunately it’s too big, and also contains key infrasrtucture related 
changes, so it’s not the best idea to merge it directly to master. I’m thinking 
about creating a separate branch, or dedicated release. It would based on 
master, and would be in sync with it, but it would also contain the Liquibase 
introduction PR. With this approach it would be easier to test it, play with 
it, and merge back to master only when it is considered as stable. 

I’m not sure what is the “Apache way” of doing this, is there any 
recommendation, or approach about creating such versions/releases?

Best regards,
Laszlo Vegh

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