Ah, had to create /etc/fuseki, but then I think my Shiro settings were
wrong, and it was difficult to create one in the container without spending
too much time on it.

So I downloaded Apache Tomcat/9.0.58, and started with JRE16, with the war
downloaded from the dist area. Also created /etc/fuseki and chmod'ed755 and
chown'ed to my user. Started it, and the application was deployed and
initialized OK, I think.

Except that now the UI fails to load as it cannot locate the static files.
I think I have to find an ENV VAR somewhere that tells the WAR where to
load it from? Moving Fuseki to ROOT.war works. Andy, I remember I changed
some settings in the initialization of the Fuseki Server, maybe I broke how
the WAR locates the path of the application?

(Have to go out for a few hours, will continue testing and try to finish
the vote this weekend)


On Sat, 29 Jan 2022 at 12:44, Bruno Kinoshita <ki...@apache.org> wrote:

> Sorry, forgot to include information on how I'm building and running the
> container.
> ```
> docker build . -t jena-test
> docker run --rm --name jena -p 8080:8080 jena-test
> ```
> On Sat, 29 Jan 2022 at 12:43, Bruno Kinoshita <ki...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Build passed from tag, with:
>> Apache Maven 3.8.2 (ea98e05a04480131370aa0c110b8c54cf726c06f)
>> Maven home: /opt/apache-maven-3.8.2
>> Java version: 11.0.13, vendor: Ubuntu, runtime:
>> /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
>> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
>> OS name: "linux", version: "5.4.0-96-generic", arch: "amd64", family:
>> "unix"
>> Looked inside .jar and .tar.gz files in the dist area (binaries and
>> sources), and everything looks good (checked the new -ui module, didn't
>> find node_modules or any other unnecessary files). The jena-fuseki-ui
>> module creates a jar that only contains metadata. Maybe we could skip
>> releasing it in the future? I think as it is, it should be available in the
>> Maven repository as a jar dependency for users, even though it's not usable
>> in any way in Java I think.
>> Tried running the WAR from the dist area, using Docker, with the
>> following Dockerfile.
>> ```
>> From tomcat:9.0.58-jre11-openjdk-slim
>> ADD ./jena-fuseki-war-4.4.0.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war
>> ```
>> It started fine, and loaded the UI when browsing http://localhost:8080/.
>> However, when trying to create datasets I'm getting 403. Same for browsing
>> Tasks. Couldn't find anything in the tomcat logs.
>> Any idea of what I could be doing wrong?
>> -Bruno
>> On Sat, 29 Jan 2022 at 07:53, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here is a vote on the release of Apache Jena 4.4.0.
>>> This is the first proposed release candidate.
>>> The deadline is
>>>       Monday, 31st January December 2021 at 19:00 UTC.
>>> Please vote to approve this release:
>>>          [ ] +1 Approve the release
>>>          [ ]  0 Don't care
>>>          [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
>>> ==== Items in this release
>>> ****
>>> The main item in this release is the updated Fuseki UI thanks to work by
>>> Bruno.
>>> This can be tested by downloading
>>> "org/apache/jena/apache-jena-fuseki/4.4.0/" zip or tar.gz from the
>>> staging repository:
>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachejena-1049
>>> ****
>>> As general maintenance for the project:
>>> Apache log4j is at 2.17.1
>>> Apache Lucene: is updated to 8.10.1 -> 8.11.1
>>> Titanium JSON-LD updated 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0
>>> as well as all other dependences being checked for updates.
>>> To get valid javadoc, the build was done with Java17 cross-compiling to
>>> <release>11</release>. A dry-run with java11 was done to check no Java17
>>> library calls had crept in.
>>> The war file for Fuseki is no longer in the apache-jena-fuseki download.
>>> Instead, it is available from the downloads page (links to be updated
>>> when the release happens).
>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/jena/binaries/
>>> The Fuseki war file does not work in Tomcat10 due to the javax->jakarta
>>> switchover. In theory, the Tomcat provided converter should work.
>>> https://tomcat.apache.org/download-migration.cgi
>>> This release includes the versions of the TDB2 xloader used to load
>>> 16.6B triples (WikiData all) into TDB2 and loading truthy on modest
>>> hardware. Thanks to Marco, Lorenz and Øyvind for running Wikidata load
>>> trails.
>>> Fuseki: serviceUpload is no longer added in a default configuration.
>>> This is not SPARQL GSP. GSP (POST/PUT) does accept HTML file uploads as
>>> well as POST/PUT by content-type.
>>> ==== Release Vote
>>> Everyone, not just committers, is invited to test and vote.
>>> Please download and test the proposed release.
>>> Staging repository:
>>>    https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachejena-1049
>>> Proposed dist/ area:
>>>    https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/jena/
>>> Keys:
>>>    https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jena/dist/KEYS
>>> Git commit (browser URL):
>>>    https://github.com/apache/jena/commit/80c61f2d40
>>> Git Commit Hash:
>>>    80c61f2d405e8b1fff74eb6ff72949fdc7718000
>>> Git Commit Tag:
>>>    jena-4.4.0
>>> This vote will be open until at least
>>>       Monday, 31st January December 2021 at 19:00 UTC.
>>> If you expect to check the release but the time limit does not work
>>> for you, please email within the schedule above.
>>> Thanks,
>>>        Andy
>>> Checking needed:
>>> + are the GPG signatures fine?
>>> + are the checksums correct?
>>> + is there a source archive?
>>> + can the source archive be built?
>>>            (NB This requires a "mvn install" first time)
>>> + is there a correct LICENSE and NOTICE file in each artifact
>>>            (both source and binary artifacts)?
>>> + does the NOTICE file contain all necessary attributions?
>>> + have any licenses of dependencies changed due to upgrades?
>>>             if so have LICENSE and NOTICE been upgraded appropriately?
>>> + does the tag/commit in the SCM contain reproducible sources?

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