Hi Marco - thanks for testing.

Sorry - for the cancellation but the WAR file isn't right.

You can check out the git tag for the release - this should be a clean repo and corresponds to git repo at the moment of the build.

Another we have that can get out of step is the jena-fuseki-ui/node_modules which is not in git but syncing it seems to not always happen.


On 29/01/2022 12:30, Marco Neumann wrote:
Thanks Andy.

          [ x ] +1 Approve the release

FYI It now works best for me to perform a git reset --hard before the  git
pull to get all the latest updates into the local version of the repository.

BUILD SUCCESS Total time:  06:46 min
Apache Maven 3.8.4
openjdk version 17.0.1
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

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