Thanks for the KIP Fred.

Couple of nits: it's not clear from the "Public API" section what is new and what is existing API w/o going back to the code. For existing methods which are not changed, it's also best to actually omit them. -- It would also be best to only put the interface itself down, but not the implementation (ie, no private members and no method body).

Thus, it might be better to do something like this:


public class RecordDeserializationException extends SerializationException {

   // newly added
   public RecordDeserializationException(TopicPartition partition,
ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record,
                                         String message,
                                         Throwable cause);

   public ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> getConsumerRecord();


From the description it's not clear to me if you propose to change the existing constructor, or propose to add a new constructor. From a compatibility POV, we cannot really change the existing constructor (but we could deprecate it and remove in the future (and add a new one in parallel). But I also agree with Kirk that there could be cases for which we cannot pass in a `ConsumerRecord` and thus keeping the old constructor could make sense (and change the new getter to return an `Optinal`).

Another small thing: in Kafka, getter methods are not using a `get` prefix, and thus it should be `consumerRecord()` w/o the "get".


On 4/10/24 4:21 PM, Kirk True wrote:
Hi Fred,

Thanks for the KIP!


How do we handle the case where CompletedFetch.parseRecord isn’t able to 
construct a well-formed ConsumerRecord (i.e. the values it needs are 
Please change RecordDeserializationException’s getConsumerRecord() method to be 
named consumerRecord() to be consistent.
Should we change the return type of consumerRecord() to be 
Optional<ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]>> in the cases where even a “raw” 
ConsumerRecord can’t be created?
To avoid the above, does it make sense to include a Record object instead of a 
ConsumerRecord? The former doesn’t include the leaderEpoch or TimestampType, 
but maybe that’s OK?


On Apr 10, 2024, at 8:47 AM, Frédérik Rouleau <> 

Hi everyone,

To make implementation of DLQ in consumer easier, I would like to add the
raw ConsumerRecord into the RecordDeserializationException.

Details are in KIP-1036

Thanks for your feedback.


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