
But I guess my main question is really about what metadata we really
> want to add to `RecordDeserializationException`? `Record` expose all
> kind of internal (serialization) metadata like `keySize()`,
> `valueSize()` and many more. For the DLQ use-case it seems we don't
> really want any of these? So I am wondering if just adding
> key/value/ts/headers would be sufficient?

I think that key/value/ts/headers, topicPartition and offset are all we
need. I do not see any usage for other metadata. If someone has a use case,
I would like to know it.

So in that case we can directly add the data into the exception. We can
keep ByteBuffer for the local field instead of byte[], that will avoid
memory allocation if users do not require it.
I wonder if we should return the ByteBuffer or directly the byte[] (or both
?) which is more convenient for end users. Any thoughts?
Then we can have something like:

public RecordDeserializationException(TopicPartition partition,
                                     long offset,
                                     ByteBuffer key,
                                     ByteBuffer value,
                                     Header[] headers,
                                     long timestamp,
                                     String message,
                                     Throwable cause);

public TopicPartition topicPartition();

public long offset();

public long timestamp();

public byte[] key(); // Will allocate the array on call

public byte[] value(); // Will allocate the array on call

public Header[] headers();


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