Hi Moshe, the new lead of Hebrew Native Language Project,

> I had experience with non-localized OpenOffice.org builds from the
> source code. I will release next Hebrew OpenOffice.org version.
Good news!

> I am preparing to integrate Alan's code (that he sent to IssueZilla)
Can you give us the IssueZilla number?

> Hebrew OOo project is greatly appreciated. We receive feedback from
> users and even publications in the press. We also receive
> feature requests and bug reports from Hebrew OOo users.
I would like to see those publications :)
Have you filed those feature requests and bug reports in IssueZilla
I would like to see them :)

> I conclude that there is wide adoption of Hebrew OOo, and we need
> to release next version.
I am looking forward to seeing OpenOffice.org 2.4 Hebrew!


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