Hi all,

I want to debug OOo that I have just compiled.

My build environment is MS Windows XP SP2, Cygwin (uname -a:)
  CYGWIN_NT-5.1 hhh 1.5.25(0.156/4/2) 2007-12-14 19:21 i686 Cygwin
MS Visual stdio .NET 2003, cygwin's tcsh.

I changed some localization strings in official OOo-2.3.1 source files
and compiled the source code. Resulting setup.exe and OOo *.cab files
install and installed OOo works. It has "issues".

Now I want to debug what I have built, without generating *.cab
files and installing them. When I cd to solver/680/wntmsci10.pro/bin/
and run ./soffice.bin, it shows a dialog message "Missing vcl resource
... localization problem" and exits.

How can I run localized version of OOo without installing it first?

Moshe Gorohovsky

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