On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure

>  Le 05/09/2010 13:06, Jesús Corrius a écrit :
> > Hi Laurent,
> >
> > I can't comment on the decision process, as I was not involved in it.
> > Someone else will have to comment on that.
> >
> > The decision was well received by the community, as Paris is an
> > important and well communicated city. So it makes totally sense to
> > celebrate an international conference there.
> >
> > Another point is who will work to make the conference possible. I
> > organized the conference in Barcelona, so I know is a huge amount of
> > work. The Catalan community, as always, will try to help the French
> > community in everything to make it possible.
> What is "French Community" ? I only know NLC Francophone Project and it
> is not involved in this decision.

Just to be clear
- the grahpic of course is a scrren capture from the uStream broadcast of
the conference closig remarks
- The tag line "Viva la .." was not from the conference attendees I just
added that to the pricture.

The phrase I thought I was adding was "long live the OpenOffic.org
community" and it was meant to refer to all of us not just Francophone
members - the fact that I tried (sorry if it's wrong) to put it in French
was, well it's about Paris. ?


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