Hello Kevin,

A fix for SPARK-782 would definitely simplify building against Spark.
However, its possible that a fix for this issue in 0.9.1 will break
the builds (that reference spark) of existing 0.9 users, either due to
a change in the ASM version, or for being incompatible with their
current workarounds for this issue. That is not a good idea for a
maintenance release, especially when 1.0 is not too far away.

Can you (and others) elaborate more on the current workarounds that
you have for this issue? Its best to understand all the implications
of this fix.

Note that in branch 0.9, it is not fixed, neither in SBT nor in Maven.


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Kevin Markey <kevin.mar...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Is there any way that [SPARK-782] (Shade ASM) can be included?  I see that
> it is not currently backported to 0.9.  But there is no single issue that
> has caused us more grief as we integrate spark-core with other project
> dependencies.  There are way too many libraries out there in addition to
> Spark 0.9 and before that are not well-behaved (ASM FAQ recommends shading),
> including some Hive and Hadoop libraries and a number of servlet libraries.
> We can't control those, but if Spark were well behaved in this regard, it
> would help.  Even for a maintenance release, and even if 1.0 is only 6 weeks
> away!
> (For those not following 782, according to Jira comments, the SBT build
> shades it, but it is the Maven build that ends up in Maven Central.)
> Thanks
> Kevin Markey
> On 03/19/2014 06:07 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:
>>   Hello everyone,
>> Since the release of Spark 0.9, we have received a number of important bug
>> fixes and we would like to make a bug-fix release of Spark 0.9.1. We are
>> going to cut a release candidate soon and we would love it if people test
>> it out. We have backported several bug fixes into the 0.9 and updated JIRA
>> accordingly<https://spark-project.atlassian.net/browse/SPARK-1275?jql=project%20in%20(SPARK%2C%20BLINKDB%2C%20MLI%2C%20MLLIB%2C%20SHARK%2C%20STREAMING%2C%20GRAPH%2C%20TACHYON)%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%200.9.1%20AND%20status%20in%20(Resolved%2C%20Closed)>.
>> Please let me know if there are fixes that were not backported but you
>> would like to see them in 0.9.1.
>> Thanks!
>> TD

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