To update with current status.

There are three tickets targeting 2.4 that are still ongoing.

SPARK-34719: Correctly resolve the view query with duplicated column names
SPARK-34607: Add `Utils.isMemberClass` to fix a malformed class name error
on jdk8u
SPARK-34726: Fix collectToPython timeouts

SPARK-34719 doesn't have PR for 2.4 yet.

SPARK-34607 and SPARK-34726 are under review. SPARK-34726 is a bit arguable
as it involves a behavior change even it is very rare case. Welcome any
suggestion on the PR if any. Thanks.

Dongjoon Hyun-2 wrote
> Thank you for the update.
> +1 for your plan.
> Bests,
> Dongjoon.

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