Edgar P Dollin said:
> As to your prior point, I will explain why a goal of being able to swap the
> view and controller is of a lower priority to me than having an integrated
> set of tags with the controller.

i could be totally off on this, but as i read your posts, i keep getting the
impression that you think putting the struts tags into a separate project from
the core would mean "de-integrating" the tags from the controller.

just to clarify, i believe Michael, myself, or others of similar viewpoint are
merely suggesting that the struts tags be developed in a separate project, not
that they be able to work with a different controller or avoid dependency on
the struts core or any other such idea.  for the struts tags to remain the
struts tags, they would necessarily be *very* dependent upon the struts
core/controller.   this would hardly be a maintenance or user-support
headache.  in fact, it would *greatly* ease maintenance and development
because releases of the core would not be held up by tag issues and vice
versa.  it would also free users of other view technologies like
VelocityStruts (which, like the struts tags is *very* integrated and dependent
upon the struts core/controller) from needing to lug around all these tags in
the struts.jar that they never use.

honestly, your objections to putting the struts tags into a separate
project/distribution completely baffles me.  the struts committers have been
discussing this for quite some time and i've never heard ill feelings about
the suggestion from them.

Nathan Bubna

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