On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 12:50:05 -0700, Craig McClanahan wrote:
> My personal itch is to not have to build everything from scratch --
> its to build on the JSF request processing lifecycle, without
> committing you to any particular view tier templating approach.  
> Doing more work than that is ... more work.

Granted that Shale will be painful to implement without the support of another 
framework, like JavaServer Faces, could we still position JSF as one possible 
implementation of Shale.

For example, instead of an "impl" folder, could we have a "faces" folder?

And would it be all right if I reorganized the API JavaDoc for ViewController to 
distinguish between the "abstract" responsibilities of the interface and what happens 
when an ViewController implementation is wired to JSF?


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