I have to agree with Craig here. Although I haven't used JSF that much
yet, I have investigated it enough to understand its basic infrastructure
and functionality. As Craig said, it would require much work to abstract
the same functionality in to Struts, where it is already available in JSF
(such as view navigation).

One of my personal wishes for Struts 2.x (and I would love to volunteer)
is a smooth and clear integration with JSF. Many people are confused about
how JSF fits in with frameworks such as Struts (and webapps in general),
and this would be a great opportunity to clear that up once and for all.
Besides, it would put us in a good position marketing-wise, as there
aren't currently any frameworks (to mine knowledge anyway) utilizing JSF
in this manner. Shale should then focus on adding neat features "outside"
of what JSF already does.

I do wonder about one thing though - how would portlets fit into all this?
I know next to nothing about portlets, except that I feel it should be
supported out-of-the-box in Struts 2.x. Could JSF be used in that regard?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 28. oktober 2004 19:40
> To: Dakota Jack; Struts Developers List
> Subject: Re: Struts Shale
> I think that's Ted's basic point.
> My answer is to consider how much extra machinery you have to 
> build in to the Struts abstraction of what a ViewController 
> is so that an application built on top of Struts can use 
> different technologies.
> Just as one example out of my list from the previous email 
> ... how does a ViewController say "I want to switch to a new 
> view"?  With JSF that's easy ... support for navigation is 
> built in based on the string value that's returned by your 
> action mapping, which is processed through the navigation 
> rules that you've defined in faces-config.xml to pick the 
> next view.  Without JSF, someone is going to have to build in 
> a way for a ViewController to ask for that -- and that's 
> redundant work.
> Part of the potential confusion here is based on the fact 
> that JSF isn't just a dynamic rendering technology.  Indeed, 
> JSF itself is agnostic whether you want to use JSP pages or 
> Velocity (although you'll need to provide your own 
> ViewHandler plugin for the latter case, but it's not tough to 
> write one).  The key difference is that JSF already has a 
> well defined request processing lifecycle built in, following 
> the Front Controller design pattern in a manner fairly 
> similar to the way that Struts currently works.  I want to 
> leverage that instead of abstracting it out or reinventing it 
> -- JSF's already good enough.
> Craig
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 10:23:37 -0700, Dakota Jack 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why is it not possible for the framework to use interfaces 
> into which 
> > JSF can be plugged in, perhaps with adapters, as an option well as 
> > other alternatives?  This too is not a rhetorical question.
> > 
> > Jack

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