On 8/8/05, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The solution, from my understanding of Maven, is to decouple the build
> > environments so that they explicitly do *not* benefit from the "shared
> > standardization" advantage.  At an absolute minimum, that seems to
> > imply separate dependency lists ... and that also seems to imply that
> > I'll end up with different local repositories for each individual
> > project (the default build.xml generated by "maven ant" does this ...
> > see all the generated build.xml scripts in Jakarta Commons).  The net
> > is you end up downloading multiple versions of the servlet API even
> > when the independent projects happen to share a dependency on the same
> > version.
> I thought I should break in here and clear up something.  Maven does not
> download dependent JARs into some lib directory like the way it is done for
> myfaces, the 1.2.x branch of Struts and others who use the "ant get" call.
> Maven keeps it's local repository (by default) under ~/.maven/repository/ so
> there is only one place for a single JAR for every project on your entire
> system.
> So, in effect, you'll have *less* jars on your system then if you used the
> "ant get" call to a custom "lib" directory.

Do you think the Maven developers can be convinced to make this the
default behavior for generated build.xml files?  It isn't at the
moment.  Case in point ... I generate nightly builds for a large
number of Jakarta Commons (and Commons Sandbox) projects.  The
standard execution path for my shell script (inside a loop) is
basically (a) download the latest sources, and (b) execute "ant clean

Unless you manually tweak them, the Maven-generated build.xml files
put the dependency downloads in a directory that gets removed by
"clean" ... meaning I was needlessly downloading the same files over
and over again.  Just making the generated build.xml files use the
standard Maven user repository would be a *huge* help to us
> > Not ideal, but not a deal breaker ... particularly because the ability
> > of a subproject to make their own decisions about dependencies is
> > *much* more important than a little extra disk space.
> The current Struts maven build (where project.xml extends
> ../build/project.xml, and ../build is actually an svn:external to
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/build/trunk) was structured the way
> it is simply for reuse.  I knew at the time of creation that any of the
> subprojects could go off and use some version of a dependency that the rest
> would not.  In those cases, it's easier just to keep the project.xml
> extending the parent, but move the dependency to the children and customize
> where appropriate.

So what should struts-faces do in detail, to avoid a dependency on
Struts Core 1.3.x?

> > Although, I'd be much less unhappy with Maven if it wouldn't by
> > default load dependencies into a directory that gets deleted when you
> > do "ant clean".  You can get around that, but only by something just
> > as painful as updating a local build.properties file.
> I assume you meant to say "Ant download-dependencies trick" and not "Maven"
> in the sentence above.  As I mentioned above, Maven 'downloads to' and keeps
> the dependent JARs seperate from the build.
> I hope that clears up some misunderstandings.

See above for what bothers me about the default generated build.xml
files.  They don't operate the same (in this respect) as when you run
Maven natively.


> --
> James Mitchell
> Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
> Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
> EdgeTech, Inc.
> http://www.edgetechservices.net/
> 678.910.8017
> AIM:   jmitchtx
> Skype: jmitchtx

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