On 5/3/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2. The struts-cookbook-1.3.2 application allows to take a look at the
Java source code of examples. The links refer to
source.jsp?src=/WEB-INF/src/java/examples/simple/xxx.java, while the
actual source code is located under /WEB-INF/src/examples/ , no "java"

I see you've found JIRA already, but it's here: http://issues.apache.org/struts

Where were you looking, so we can add/fix the links to JIRA for 1.3.3?

In addition to fixing the problem you reported, that example app needs
to be repackaged.  It  looks strange in the (as yet unpublished)
aggregated Javadoc to have an 'examples' package above all the
org.apache.struts code.


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