On 5/11/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/10/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I remember being involved -- it had to do with the version numbers not
> matching.  It seems odd to use Struts Tiles 1.3 with a version 1.1
> DTD.


There's a general expectation that the DTD release number match the
product release number. If we don't keep these numbers in synch, we'll
get even more questions about what happened to the 1.3 DTD.

Well we haven't had a 1.2 DTD for tiles and I can't recall it ever
being raised on the user list as an issue. People seem to have quite
happily upgraded to Struts 1.2 and continued used the Tiles 1.1 DTD.

However we do frequently get questions about offline DTD's - AFAIK
this is always when someone has an incorrect <!DOCTYPE> declaration.
Not having the Tiles 1.1 DTD registered I believe will increase these
types of questions on the user list. Add to that the fact that it will
increase the load on Apache servers for people who don't upgrade to
the 1.3 DTD, which isn't going to make infrastructure happy, I think
we should fix this.

There was discussion in the Action 1.2.8 release series about making
changes that would affect the struts-config DTD, and whether we could
change the DTD version in a milestone release. We decided to keep the
DTD version in synch with the milestone series and utilized a
workaround for 1.2.

Having a 1.3 DTD thats identical to the 1.1 DTD means (IMO) that the
tiles DTD is now "locked down" for the 1.3 series. If someone wants to
change the Tiles 1.3 DTD for some enhancement then this will be an
issue. If we don't have a 1.3 DTD at the moment, then it leaves scope
to add it with some changes later in the 1.3.x series. So I think this
is an argument for getting rid of the 1.3 Tiles DTD.

To summarise then my vote is beta because I believe I think we're
introducing an uncessaey PITA for users upgrading and it will increase
questions on the user list and put additional load on the Apache

My preference to fix this is to removed the 1.3 DTD and correct the
registraiton back to the 1.1 DTD.

I have taken some time to check out the 1.3.4 version today -
upgrading my webapp to this version (was on 1.2.9) and the only other
issue(s) I came up with is that we used to distribute things like the
validator-rules.xml config and taglib tlds in the lib directory. I
releaize that these are now all packaged in the jar and the distro
does include the source - but I expect quite a few people will still
have these manually configured and will have difficulty finding them
in the distro.

Also the new chain-config.xml - which any tiles user (like myself)
needs to be readily available so that the tiles commands can be added.
Again its difficult to find the chain-config.xml and it seems that the
*commented out* tiles commands have been removed. We should make it
easy to find the chain-config.xml and easy to configure for tiles (by
adding back the commented commands).



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