On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Found the one on the Maven website[1] and added the appropriate entries.
> But now, when I try to run "mvn clean test -Pjsfri" the following bad
> happen:
> * There's an obsolete jsf-api artifact on ibiblio --
>   can we specify a priority ordering somehow?

Not that I'm aware of.  But ibiblio only has a pom for 1.1, so it
shouldn't cause a problem if we're using version 1.1_02.  If you mean
the 'invalid pom' warnings, that's because java.net is a Maven 1 repo.

> * It fails to download the jsf-impl (but that could
>   be my proxy not liking https -- investigating.

After I added the <repository> and changed the version number, 'mvn
clean install -Pjsfri' in core-library ran with no problems here.

Me too when I disconnected from my VPN network (and commented out the
appropriate proxy stuff).  I've used https proxies for other things
(including SVN commits to Apache), so it's likely to still be something with
Maven ... but that's an issue that can wait for a night's sleep.



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