On 6/5/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The problem I keep running into is that there is only one
<build>/<testSourceDirectory>, and there is no
<profile>/<build>/<testSourceDirectory> in the model.  If that
existed, it seems like you could get another execution of Surefire
using a second source directory.

Returning to the idea of best practices and project layout, maybe the
problem is not the inability to have two types of tests in one module,
but that we have put too much into the module.

the Maven webapp archetype creates a webapp module with only
src/main/webapp and src/main/resources -- no Java source.  (It would
be in a separate module that builds a jar on which the webapp

In that situation, the only tests that belong with the webapp *are*
the integration tests, and we're back to a single
<testSourceDirectory>.  If we can configure Surefire to skip the
'normal' test phase, and then bind an execution to the
integration-test phase, I think it might work.  (The test phase comes
before package, so the webapp doesn't exist yet.)

I haven't been successful at getting Surefire to run during
integration-test instead of test, but I have a couple of questions out
on [EMAIL PROTECTED] looking for ideas.


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