On 2/25/07, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think I might have to step away from the release manager role. Or,
at least the deployment of the Maven artifacts. I have a lot of
trouble getting the Maven signing plugins or scripts to work.  Signing
all these Maven artifacts by hand is not something I can do on a
regular basis. I'll fix 2.0.6, but, otherwise, this might have to be
my last Maven distribution.

Well, _that_ was certainly not my intent!  You shouldn't have to sign
them "by hand" -- there are far too many of them to make that a
reasonable requirement.

Prior to the gpg plugin being available I used a script to recursively
sign the jars in my local repo, and then upload the signatures.  I
think Paul just used it for the Struts 1.3.7 signatures.  It's a bash
shell script (I use Cygwin), but surely we have enough talent around
here to convert it to a script that will work on Windows...

Here's the signature part...

# Recursively pgp sign files in a directory structure
# Adapted from: http://gleamynode.net/wordpress/archives/129

echo -n "PGP Key Password: "
stty -echo
stty echo
echo ""

for FILE in $(find . -name "*.jar" -or -name "*.pom"); do

  echo -n "Signing: $FILE ... "

  echo "$PASSWORD" | gpg --default-key "$DEFAULT_KEY" --detach-sign
--armor --no-tty --yes --passphrase-fd 0 "$FILE" && echo done.


Unfortunately, this isn't something another committer can volunteer
for, the signatures really need to come from the person who built the


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