On 2/25/07, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2/25/07, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Could you specify the exact steps that we should be following then?

I added a TODO to review steps 5 and 6 on the wiki page.  You
mentioned March 4th for Struts 2.0.7, so that gives me a few days.

Paul is working on 1.3.8 and had a question about the gpg plugin, so I
volunteered him to figure it out and then take a look at the Struts 2
release process.  Thanks, Paul!


My theory is that 'mvn deploy' and '-Prelease' need to be in the same
step, so that the signatures are both generated _and_ deployed.


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