Hi Nilla

According to our off-line meeting, you agreed to change the original
proposal and select a new project from the our project list , Did you able
to find a project , if not, please do so as soon as possible, since GSOC
codding already started therefore we have to do it at least before end of
this week

Thanks and Regards

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Nila <tharshay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I apologize for the delayed response.
> Last few days and on, I'm under severe medication and cornered with my
> academic semester's final exams.
> Despite of that, I'm really glad and excited regarding my selection. I'm
> expecting to learn a lot via delivering my best and looking forward to
> work with you.
> The exams would be over by May 21st, but I try my best to involve in this
> 'community bonding' and gain guidance from you.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Tharshayene Loganathan
> Undergraduate,
> Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
> IIT,Sri Lanka.
> On 21 March 2014 23:27, Nila <tharshay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The updated and corrected proposal has been submitted. The  Google
>> Document is attached below.
>> Pardon me for requesting suggestions on the very last day.
>> Please provide feedback regarding the proposal which would be very
>> helpful for me the future programs.
>> Did I got all wrong, I really wonder. :(
>> This is my first ever GSoC attempt and a feedback really helps.
>> Thanks in advance.
>>  GSoC Proposal 2014: "UI Testing Framework for Developer 
>> Studio"<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ffx6aDJNM0D5HUwgLoVk5jbT8mCi1uIpWGMzy9q14AQ/edit?usp=drive_web>
>> Regards,
>>  Tharshayene Loganathan
>> Undergraduate,
>> Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
>> IIT,Sri Lanka.
>> On 21 March 2014 19:34, Nila <tharshay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've shared my proposal with you (can comment).
>>> Please provide me your valuable suggestions and corrections so I could
>>> further improve and submit by tonight.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>  GSoC Proposal 2014: "UI Testing Framework for Developer 
>>> Studio"<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ffx6aDJNM0D5HUwgLoVk5jbT8mCi1uIpWGMzy9q14AQ/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>> Regards,
>>> Tharshayene Loganathan
>>> Undergraduate,
>>> Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
>>> IIT,Sri Lanka.
>>> On 21 March 2014 11:30, Nila <tharshay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Krishantha,
>>>> I've gone through the Robot Framework but I'm afraid that the
>>>> comprehensive widget support for SWT and GMF is less and it's at its
>>>> initial stages.
>>>>  As you have mentioned the Robot Framework provides and External
>>>> Eclipse Library [1] [2], which is based on the SWTBot and it's seems to be
>>>> a better framework in terms of less manual work once setup, compared to
>>>> using the SWTBot directly.
>>>> But under the 'Eclipse Library Limitations' section [3] it's been
>>>> stated that only the simple and basic SWT widgets are supported for the
>>>> time being.
>>>> As the ESB plugin requires GMF Editor Testing, still I'm not completely
>>>> sure on to what extent the SWTBot itself supports GMF. It seems to be
>>>> supporting GEF and few popular blog articles state that via the extended
>>>> GEF support it supports GMF as well. Thus it could be a limitation as well
>>>> even when the SWTBot itself is used.
>>>> Thus adding an additional wrapper on top of the SWTBot (the Robot
>>>> Framework), could be a nightmare when it comes to the major concern, 'the
>>>> range of supported widgets'.
>>>> Anyway, I'll be considering and would try to incorporate the Robot
>>>> Framework once I get more control and understanding of this project and
>>>> thank you for this valuable suggestion.
>>>> Refs:
>>>> [1] http://robotframework.org/#test-libraries
>>>> [2] http://code.google.com/p/robotframework-eclipselibrary/
>>>> [3] http://code.google.com/p/robotframework-eclipselibrary/wiki/Concept
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Tharshayene Loganathan
>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>> Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
>>>> IIT,Sri Lanka.
>>>> On 21 March 2014 11:07, Nila <tharshay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you Jasintha,
>>>>> as far as I understood, the Jiras contain pluggins (zipped code) those
>>>>> seems to be testing each plugin set of the Developer Studio and POM files
>>>>> are setup which contains Developer Studio plugin dependencies.
>>>>> Unfortunately I couldn't get any of them running, yet. But I got hints
>>>>> and the basic idea of what am I supposed to do.
>>>>> I'll be finishing a draft version of the Proposal around 3.00 pm (UTC
>>>>> + 5.30) and would share the doc link with you. Please review it and assist
>>>>> me via you valuable suggestions.
>>>>> Thanks in advance.


*Jasintha Dasanayake*

*Senior Software EngineerWSO2 Inc. | http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>lean
. enterprise . middleware*

*mobile :- 0711368118*
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