On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 12:09 AM William Moreno <williamjmore...@gmail.com>

> El 22/10/2016 9:51 p. m., "Christopher" <ctubb...@fedoraproject.org>
> escribió:
> >
> > I should probably know the answers to these by now, but...
> >
> > 1. If I trigger more than one build for the same NVR in Koji, which one
> will get tagged, and when? Which one will Bodhi use when I create an update?
> By default koji will not let build a package of there is a previus buid
> with the same NVR in the same branch, you can build many times the same NVR
> in diferent  branches, (fedpkg switch-branch)
If the previous build failed, it should be okay, right? I've been bumping
the release each time I make a change in git. I probably only need to do it
once until the next successful build, right?

> >
> > 2. Should I preserve the entire changelog in the SPEC? Or should I roll
> it over when I update to the latest upstream? It seems the changelog could
> easily become the bulk of a package if everything is preserved, and I'd
> think git would suffice for anything older than the last few rebases onto
> latest upstream.
> Please keep al the changes in the changelog, al lest than you have some
> really olds entries (some years ago)
> > 3. What does the "e" stand for in n-v-r-e ?
> The E comer for the epoch rmp tag, this overrides the release and version
> tags
> > 4. I'm familiar with `fedpkg commit --clog` for easy git log messages,
> but is there some easy tool for generating the clog message (especially the
> date/email/version line) automatically?
> You can use rpmdev-bumpspec foo.spec

Awesome! And, from that I figured out how I can override the info with

> > 5. What is going on here:
> https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//work/tasks/4279/16174279/build.log It
> says a file is bad... but I can see the file in git and it looks fine.
> Where can I go to see if Koji itself is undergoing problems. Is there a
> server status page for outages within the Fedora infrastructure?
> Try fedpkg local to trigger a local build, source files must be uploaded
> by fedpkg new-sources path/to/tarball.tgz
> The source0 file it is not espected to.be in the package repo, patches
> and others soureces can be in the repo

These sources are definitely in the repo, and the build works fine locally.
The error is from a missing patch (not Source0), and this patch is not new
and has not changed since the last successful build. Everything works
locally with both mockbuild and local. I'm pretty sure this is a problem
with koji, not the package. I added this as a newbie question, because I
was wondering if there was a server status page I could go to check to see
koji's health.

> > 6. Why does fedoraproject.org redirect to getfedora.org?
> This was of the FEDORA Next move get fedora is the home of the
> Fedora[Server, Cloud, Worstation]  brands, new products new site :)
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