On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 09:41:30PM +0200, nicolas.mail...@laposte.net wrote:
> Then I'm glad there is absolutely no plan to preempt flatpack
> technical assessment by shipping one or more GNOME apps as
> flatpack-only, leaving Fedora users for whom flatpack does not work
> yet behind, and bypassing distribution consensus processes.

Please tone this inflammatory rhetoric down. It's not helpful. When you
said you wanted this part of the thread to close, I thought that's what
you meant and took it seriously.

Here, I assume you're talking about no one having packaged GNOME
Recipies (apparently _written_ as a Flatpak proof of concept) in
traditional RPM form. But, we can't make *any* upstream author package
their stuff in RPM for us.

But, if you want that as an RPM in Fedora, _no one is really stopping
you_. Go for it!

If you're talking about something else here, then I missed it
completely and encourage you to be more straightforward and stick to
the technical.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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