On 9/22/19 1:57 AM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 9/21/19 11:46 PM, Ty Young wrote:
That's a load of bull dung if there ever was one. There are *MANY* bugs in Intel/AMD's drivers and MESA that have yet to be fixed(which affect everyone) despite being Open Source. You can't fix those bugs as is but then turn around and imply that *IF* Nvidia released/contributed to an Open Source driver these issues wouldn't happen? Really?

Of course there are bugs.  But I'm talking about major features like rootless X and various kernel changes where the NVidia driver lags way behind and sometimes doesn't work at all.

Lagging behind is as much as a bug as the dozens of bugs in AMD/Intel drivers and MESA. There are graphics cards that probably don't even work entirely still. I remember the R9 390 had issues and probably still does. In those cases you can't even get a bootable system.

If this is your piss poor excuse for the binary driver, then what about the Open Source one? That driver you can change and it's only seemingly broken because of GRUB boot errors/warnings and a 5 second blank screen with graphical glitch before showing the shutdown spinner.

If you're talking about Nouveau, then yes, it has many issues because it's an attempt at reverse-engineering.  They have no documentation, so it's pretty amazing that it works as well as it does.

Didn't Nvidia release documentation some time ago? Regardless, there is a lot things envolved with the shutdown process, isn't there? How do you even know it's the driver to begin with? Are we just assuming it is, like we assumed that overclocking was broke because something Nvidia did or does anyone have actual proof? I have a really old second generation Intel laptop that I can test to see if it's reproducible.

Those GRUB boot errors/warnings? Yeah, those have existed since Fedora 30 released yet haven't been fixed. GRUB is Open Source, so I'd love to hear the excuse for that.

No idea what you're talking about here.  I haven't had any issues with grub.

There was a boot warning/error about GRUB not being on a FAT filesystem or something before. Now there is something else this install, I think... or maybe it's the same thing. It's hard to read in the short time it appears.

Really, calm down.  Maybe you should be using Windows instead where everything always works...

That was one hell of a good joke. You should be a comedian.

Like I said, I'm only interested in Fedora for Silverblue's immutable filesystem, at least from a user's perspective. The Fedora part is almost entirely a negative given all the problems listed earlier. No other active Linux distro has problems with keeping their update servers online, repo desyncing, and/or updating downloadable images on their website like Fedora does and it blows my mind that it's even an issue given it's sponsored by Red Hat. These are all issues that can be easily fixed i'm sure but still, it's very surprising.

I'm of course also interested in ensuring compatibility with Fedora for my application but given how hostile y'all are to Nvidia it doesn't seem like it's ever going to happen. I guess it's not the end of the word since noone really uses Fedora for gaming but still... if no one at Fedora wants to support Nvidia then remove their driver from RPM Fusion already and be done with it.

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