Miro Hrončok <mhron...@redhat.com> writes:

> Before I try to word it more carefully I'd like to hear some feedback
> on this.  What do you think?

I'm struggling to understand what you think this will accomplish.

Leaving aside ideological disagreement about the nature of rawhide (I
don't think rawhide should be expected to be in perfect working
order[1]), this won't prevent the problem of incomplete changes landing
in dist-git.  All it will do is give people an excuse to yell more at
the unfortunate maintainer who ran the wrong push command.  The wrath of
the heavens already descends on people who break rawhide; we don't need
even more.

It seems to me that this problem would be better solved by making
rebuilds smarter.  Instead of building tip of dist-git (which might
never have been build), rebuild the last thing that *was* successfully
built.  There are a number of ways to potentially track this


1: There's also an idea that ProvenPackagers making regularly sweeping
   changes to the distro is to be encouraged, and I think that's a
2: Off the top of my head: get the SRPM from koji, or update a branch in
   dist-git to point to last successful build, or track this information
   explicitly somewhere else, etc., etc.

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