Once upon a time, Ben Cotton <bcot...@redhat.com> said:
> This change isn't big — it is simply expanding
> * <tt>NAME=Fedora</tt> to <tt>NAME="Fedora Linux"</tt>  and
> * <tt>PRETTY_NAME="Fedora Linux [##] ([edition or spin])</tt>
> in the file <tt>/etc/os-release</tt>.

I have seen third-party install scripts and such that parse that file
and look for "Fedora" to take actions/set variables/etc. for Fedora
Linux.  You can say "we don't support third-party anything", but it's
still going to cause issues for some users.

Is there any plan for the Fedora Project to make another full OS (that
would have a different value in os-release)?  Or is this just a
pre-emptive "we might someday"?
Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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