Il 28/12/21 04:28, Kevin Kofler via devel ha scritto:
> Matthew Miller wrote:
>> 1. There is a mechanism for users to add their own digest lists, if they
>>     want. The change proposal could be a little more clear on how this
>>     would work.
> There is no way I am going to jump through hoops to whitelist software I
> compiled myself, or installed from a third-party repository, out of a
> hardware-enforced vendor lock-in that attempts to deny me Freedom Zero
> (contradicting the "Freedom" in the "Four F's" of Fedora).
>> 2. The proposal calls for a checkbox in Anaconda to enable the feature.
>>     (We probably do not actually want a checkbox in Anaconda, though.) It
>>     also says "The feature might be enabled later by the user without any
>>     change required for the image generation" — which I think is primarily
>>     saying that the feature could be turned on without needing to remake
>>     the boot image, but which also seems to also say that it's not
>>     necessarily on by default.
> Hopefully really only *by the user* and not, e.g., by the upgrade to a newer
> Fedora release.
> But even off by default, I do not see how the "feature" implemented by this
> Change provides any value at all that does not contradict the very
> definition of Free Software.
>          Kevin Kofler

I do not see how this change goes against the definition of Free
Software. It doesn't deny a user to install any software they want, it
is about preventing unwanted/unsolicited/malevolent software from being
installed without user (admin) approval.

 From a workstation/desktop user perspective, this change sounds not
really interesting, at least until there will be some robust integration
with UI installers. And I personally appreciate it will be introduced as
But from an IT perspective running a server, I think it sounds good (I'm
not IT manager myself). And since Fedora is RHEL playground...


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