Hey Frantisek!

Excellent questions!

> * Our users can use Packit via CLI and use their identity for Bodhi 
> connections. With this, it's not nice, but doable to open a web-browser. (Not 
> sure how this works in the containerised use-cases.)

The Bodhi CLI will display a URL that you'll have to open in your web browser, 
and wait for input. After logging in, Ipsilon will give you a token that you 
need to copy/paste in the Bodhi CLI.

> * Is there some way to get/generate some token that can be used instead of 
> doing this browser workflow?

Yes, you can do the browser workflow on any host and then copy over the 
~/.config/bodhi/client.json file on the service's worker(s).

> * Do I get it right from what you wrote about `save_override` that we can 
> generate the session token elsewhere and reuse it in the service? Do you have 
> some details on how this works so we can start working on the move?

That's not what save_override() does, it's just an API endpoint to edit 
buildroot overrides in Bodhi.

> * For other Fedora systems, we use Kerberos authentication, are there some 
> plans to add it?

Nope, there's no plan for that at the moment.

Does this answer your questions?

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