On Mi, 21.12.22 12:22, Fedora Development ML (devel@lists.fedoraproject.org) 

> On 20/12/2022 19:56, Chris Murphy wrote: > Great. The gotcha though
> is this in effect requires a change in the file system currently
> mounted at /boot, which is ext4. And ext4 isn't supported by sd-boot
> or UEFI firmware. So if you're going to support sd-boot, the
> installer needs to be aware that either the ESP is big enough to be
> used as /boot, or if it's not big enough then it will be mounted on
> /efi*and* a new partition XBOOTLDR formatted as FAT will be used as
> /boot.
> Nobody should use FAT for /boot. efifs[1] should be used instead.

I vehemently disagree. VFAT is the way to go. It's simply a pointless
excercise to use anything else.


I think it might be OK to stick to ext4 for upgrades, but outside of
that, for new installs it's something that really should be avoided I
am sure.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin
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