在 2023/1/11 0:20, Matthew Miller 写道:
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 11:12:22PM +0800, 孙海勇 wrote:
I want to add LoongArch to the official Fedora support architecture,
This is really cool -- welcome, and I'd love to help make sure you succeed!
Thank you very much!
I'm currently a newbie in the Fedora community, so I need help from
community developers, and would like someone to guide me on what to do
next, such as what would be a better time to submit necessary patches to
packages in the Fedora repository, how to develop in a collaborative
manner, what other systems to be used for management, etc. In short, any
information would be useful. Could I get help here? :)
This message is a good start! There is a little bit of information here
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures, but it's not really complete.
I'm afraid a lot of the knowledge is really held in a few people's heads.
Hopefully we can get you connected with the right people!

Thanks for the link! Thank you!


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