Once upon a time, Marius Schwarz <fedora...@cloud-foo.de> said:
> - you are required to work with tools that specific service offers

I think this is my biggest complaint with any web forum - unlike email,
where users can choose clients that work the way they like, learning and
customizing them, web forums force a use/workflow method based on what
some developer likes.  They also tend to be "locked in" to a singular
UI, because any significant change after a critical mass of users is
reached is too upsetting.

Also: with web forums, I feel my content is not my own.  I can't
automatically keep copies and archive them.  For example, I can in
seconds tell you when my first post here was (January 2010 in the
current incarnation, September 2003 on the @redhat.com version), or even
my first post to any @redhat.com list (wow, June 1996!).

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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