On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 08:24:14AM +0300, Benson Muite wrote:
> However, it doesn't seem like we can hack on it to better suite
> community needs, for example to have the same functionality as mailing
> lists[2].  It is not standards driven and is primarily developed by one
> company - something that follows Apache way[3] or has a community
> governance process would be better in the long term for a large project
> with many contributors who have technical expertise.

We definitely _can_ hack on it to better fit community needs. Changes might
not automatically get accepted, but we've got a good relationship and I
don't expect any kind of antagonism if we have something important.

On 2) 
in particular... that's just the Cmake forum admin saying that the
particular thing doesn't exist, not a Discourse dev saying they won't take a

Although on that specific change.... Discourse attaches List-Id and other
standard email headers (as well as some specific X-Discourse headers) to
each message. Changing the To: line to be some list address could be done
with a plugin, but might actually have negative consequences for reliable

> Email clients offer significant customizability that a one size fits all
> web interface cannot provide.  Mailing list mode for Discourse is
> helpful, but not at the same level as email lists, where once one has

"Mailing list mode" was a specific thing in earlier versions of Discourse —
it sent a notification for every message posted. This is kind of like going
to Hyperkitty and saying "subscribe me to all 600 lists". I don't recommend
that. Instead, choose specific tags that you want to subscribe to, just as
you would subscribe to individual mailing lists.

I have a post about this and Fedora Discussion specifically:


Matthew Miller
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