On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 10:49:03AM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
> Have you considered outsourcing email (list) operations instead?

We looked into a hosted Pony Mail a while ago. But (leaving aside "I don't
think that solves everything I want to address"), hosted solutions are
difficult because if Red Hat is paying for it, there is an
enterprise-contract process to go through, and generally a lot of vendor
scrutiny and demands -- much of which is good and some of which I feel is
overkill. It took over a year each to get Element (Matrix) and CDCK (the
Discourse company) through the process -- and those companies had already
dealt with enterprise contracts. I think it's unlikely we'll find a good
open source option.

> Discourse needs to solve the same issues to keep email notifications
> working.  Do we know how well they are doing?  Discourse seems to have
> stopped offering mailing list mode in the Fedora instance.  I wonder
> whether this is related.

They're ahead of us, I think. I was recently talking to them about the
possibility of using @fedoraproject.org sender / inbound addresses, and got
an overview of their infrastructure and it's enough that it made me bookmark
the whole thing for when I have more time. :)

I turned off the mailing list mode on purpose. There's a subthread somewhere
here about it. I feel like it's a trap -- it does not really enable anything
special, but instead is "subscribe to ALL LISTS". That's not the best option
for most people -- even people who are looking for mailing-list behavior.
(It might made sense for smaller forums where the entire forum is the
equivalent of one list.)

If there's enough demand, we can put it back. As mentioned in the other
subthread, if so I'll probably rename publicly-facing option to something
more descriptive.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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