Il 05/06/23 19:51, Roberto Ragusa ha scritto:
> On 6/5/23 19:13, Demi Marie Obenour wrote:
>> Are you willing to do the packaging work?  Asking upstream to create
>> packages for every distribution is not reasonable.
> I would never want upstream to do packaging, as experience teaches,
> they would certainly do it wrong.
> Packaging and integration is a job for the distribution; it is their
> added value. Otherwise, what's the meaning of a distribution, if
> the system is composed by a minimal booting image on which you
> add upstream generated blobs?
> Sorry, but the common "why do not do it yourself?" objection is not
> the correct way to address my point. As a "consumer" (even if,
> not paying) I am just expressing my idea about what I would like or not.
> The "producers" (Fedora/RH) can take note, or ignore the feedback.
> Their luck will, at the end of the day, depend on the merit of
> their choices.
> Anyway, yes, I've considered becoming a Fedora packager, I've started
> the process and then got discouraged by the abundant bureaucracy.
> And these kinds of threads do not help in regaining some enthusiasm in
> resuming the process.
> Regards.
Hey Roberto, let me know if there's something specific where I can help 
you in becoming a Fedora packager, if you're interested. It's a little 
hard at the beginning, but then you'll find out that once you get the 
basis it's really easy (if the software you're trying to package doesn't 
require some weird thing to be built, of course). Feel free to write me 
directly or to chat with me in Matrix (I'm not often in chat, though).


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