On 6/27/23 05:00, Simon de Vlieger wrote:
> On 6/27/23 10:40, Hans de Goede wrote:
>  > Ok, so can you provide some instructions for how to make this work ? 
> I guess it would be something like add the cmdline option + then start 
> some systemd unit ?  Can you please put some instructions for this in 
> the testing section of: 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/AnacondaWebUIforFedoraWorkstation 
>   (with a note that this is currently not supported / recommended).
>  >
>  >> About the improvements on the Live ISO, that should be a question on 
> Fedora Workstation SIG. Anaconda team is not in charge of the 
> environment on the Live ISO.
>  >
>  > Well you are suggesting a change that is likely going to 
> significantly increase the amount of memory needed to do a livecd 
> workstation install and as mentioned above pushing the requirements 
> above 2G would basically block this change since 2G RAM is currently the 
> advertised minimum RAM requirement for Fedora workstation installs.
>  >
>  > So although I realize this is not entirely fair IMHO if you want to 
> push forward with this feature then you may also be on the hook to look 
> into reducing the memory footprint elsewhere so that the end result 
> still fits in 2G RAM. I have some experience with tweaking the livecd to 
> work with less RAM and I'm happy to share my experience in this, but I 
> do not have time to actually implement needed changes for this.
> Hi Hans,
> it would indeed involve adding the `inst.webui` and `inst.webui.remote` 
> kernel command line options and a systemd unit to start the relevant 
> services (I *think* that'd only be `cockpit.service`).

Remote installation is not a solution to the memory bloat.  It only
pushes the problem to whatever machine the browser runs on, and it
has significant and negative security implications.  A solution
here would be ensuring that the web UI uses no more RAM than the
GTK UI that preceded it.
Demi Marie Obenour (she/her/hers)
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