Hi, see my replies below.

2. července 2023 23:56:59 SELČ, Demi Marie Obenour <demioben...@gmail.com> 
>On 6/27/23 05:00, Simon de Vlieger wrote:
>> On 6/27/23 10:40, Hans de Goede wrote:
>>  > Ok, so can you provide some instructions for how to make this work ? 
>> I guess it would be something like add the cmdline option + then start 
>> some systemd unit ?  Can you please put some instructions for this in 
>> the testing section of: 
>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/AnacondaWebUIforFedoraWorkstation 
>>   (with a note that this is currently not supported / recommended).
>>  >
>>  >> About the improvements on the Live ISO, that should be a question on 
>> Fedora Workstation SIG. Anaconda team is not in charge of the 
>> environment on the Live ISO.
>>  >
>>  > Well you are suggesting a change that is likely going to 
>> significantly increase the amount of memory needed to do a livecd 
>> workstation install and as mentioned above pushing the requirements 
>> above 2G would basically block this change since 2G RAM is currently the 
>> advertised minimum RAM requirement for Fedora workstation installs.
>>  >
>>  > So although I realize this is not entirely fair IMHO if you want to 
>> push forward with this feature then you may also be on the hook to look 
>> into reducing the memory footprint elsewhere so that the end result 
>> still fits in 2G RAM. I have some experience with tweaking the livecd to 
>> work with less RAM and I'm happy to share my experience in this, but I 
>> do not have time to actually implement needed changes for this.
>> Hi Hans,
>> it would indeed involve adding the `inst.webui` and `inst.webui.remote` 
>> kernel command line options and a systemd unit to start the relevant 
>> services (I *think* that'd only be `cockpit.service`).
>Remote installation is not a solution to the memory bloat.  It only
>pushes the problem to whatever machine the browser runs on, and it
>has significant and negative security implications.  A solution
>here would be ensuring that the web UI uses no more RAM than the
>GTK UI that preceded it.

Please, take into account that we are not an application which stays open on 
background for hours (usually), so you can't put this to the same level as 
music player or similar apps.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that every usable machine as desktop PC, is able to 
open one web page for the installation process.

From the other point, I wonder how much memory the VNC client (solution right 
now) is taking. And security point with VNC is (based on my understanding) 
maybe worse than HTTPS browsers.

Hard to say what technology has the same memory footprint as GTK3. I think, 
there are not many options. From the other point, using this logic in the past, 
we would still be using ncurses based installations. Don't take me wrong, I see 
your point and memory footprint is important. Just saying it is not the only 
point you should take into account. 

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