
Try right-clicking on the icon, select properties, and put a check-mark
in the option to run the app in legacy "Windows XP" mode.  This may

Mark, WD4ELG
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Dave Bernstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>AA6YQ comment below
> --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, mrfarm@ wrote:
> Are you saying that this problem does not occur if you are not
> simultaneously running the "file manager?"
> >>>Exactly. There is a defect in Windows Explorer.
> When you completely lose control of even being able to shut down a
> computer, I consider that crashing the OS, even if it is "only"
> causing total loss of control of the video.
> >>>Vista's kernel remains intact, and any running applications
> continue to run correctly. If you terminate Windows Explorer and
> refresh each window (e.g. by clicking the DXLab Launcher's Minimize
> button followed by its Restore button), all will be well -- but its
> easier to simply terminate the explorer.exe process beforehand.
> Even so, I wonder if any other programs can do this to Vista? I
> consider it to be a serious shortcoming.
> >>>>Vista was prematurely released to avoid adding yet another big
> slip to the Longhorn disaster. My strong advice is to avoid it until
> it works; around SP2 or SP3, I would guess.
> 73,
> Dave, AA6YQ

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