John Becker, WØJAB wrote:
>  Roger regardless of what you think about Amtor and Pactor - both are
>  still doing very well. Other then a hand full of CW and SSB QSO's the
>  log book is full of both Amtor and Pactor 1, 2 and 3.
>  John, W0JAB

Incredible.  And I am on digital almost every morning and evening, and 
never hear these ubiquitous signals for the past four years or so.  
Golly propagation is a funny thing, is it not?

Pactor and Amtor are as dead as Julius Caesar as ordinary 
QSO/keyboard-to-keyboard modes except maybe for a few (read: FEW) 
afficianados perhaps including you.  That's why I finally unhooked my 
PTC-II modem.  That's why most digital ops no longer have a TNC operable 
in the shack.

de Roger W6VZV

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