I had one contact with AA6YQ on Olivia 500/8. There were actually two 
MFSK16 Q's going on, next to each and in between some of the Olivia 
stations. At least one was a regular digitalradio poster:)

I find MFSK16 to be much more tolerable than Olivia which also gives me 
a queasy sort of feeling. Nothing will probably ever be like Clover II 
which has to be about the most pleasant sounding digital mode. Nothing 
like raucous Pactor which is one of the worst!

But when you mentioned Red Buttons and being stressed from music, I 
immediately assumed this would have to be his performance in "They Shoot 
Horses, Don't They?". Not a recommended movie for an uplifting time 

I like movies with reasonably happy endings. Maybe something like "The 


Rick, KV9U

Dave Bernstein wrote:
> 15 QSOs in about 2 hours of operating, just under half with European 
> stations, all on 20m. There was an MFSK-16 station QRV that 
> threatened my sanity; it wasn't the QRM, it was listening to 2 hours 
> of that moronic "music" that made me feel like Red Buttons in "the 
> Longest Day". MFSK-16 definitely deserves its own band segment, 
> preferably with padded soundproof walls. Too bad Pactor III doesn't 
> sound like that; Winlink would have had their own private band 
> segment years ago. 
>    73,
>        Dave, AA6YQ

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