At 11:45 AM 1/5/2008, Howard  wrote:

>Hey Charles!
>Me thinks you've got a rather broad brush being used here.
>Someone says that PACTOR is dead..........period. Another has said
>that PACTOR is dead........and if I was smart, I'd pitch my AEA unit
>like everyone else.
>You, speaking for Packet enthusiasts, say Packet operators won't
>climb on board this innocent proposal because they're constantly
>being QRMed by PACTOR lids and for that reason, the Packet
>operators want nothing to do with anything that remotely touches
>That isn't fair to me, and any number of other folks who like the
>PACTOR I mode and are kindling a small surge of rebirth in the
>mode's interest. I've always followed the rules as they have, I'm
>sure. Individual PACTOR I operations cannot possibly be linked
>to BOTS, Winlink or whatever. I'm sure that Jack has been a
>considerate and law-abiding Ham for all his licensed life and
>means no ill-will towards anyone, least of all disrespect.
>I bet you and the others don't even know Jack and doubt you
>have ever been deliberately interferred with by him. I doubt
>he'd like to be included in any association with Winlink and
>the BOTS any more than I would.
>That message you quoted was a friendly, enthusiastic idea that
>came about from some ideas that have been bantered about
>offline amongst myself and some others who want to use our
>TNCs and PACTOR I again, just because.
>Seriously, this business about Winlink and BOTS is getting
>just a bit hysterical I think, to the point of irrationality. I say
>that simply because of your reaction and you're not alone at
>all.'s understandable for sure.
>But, jeez, Charles. Aren't you being a bit harsh to the point
>that you're taking a swipe at everyone? That's exactly what
>the Packet operators don't want for themselves.
>I was on last night running my PK232 through its paces and
>getting reacquainted with it. I even made a couple of contacts
>with it using PACTOR I during Sunday and it was fun! Surely,
>you're not going to call me a lid simply because of using the
>PACTOR mode, alledged to being mis-used by others
>alledged to have a totally selfish agenda are you?
>Just my polite $ .02 worth.
>Howard W6IDS
>Richmond, IN

All modes have their good and bad features, AND operators!  I am sure 
most Hams respect their resource and its use, needing to share with 
others. There will always be some who through ignorance or having a 
bad hair day, will crash someone's QSO. Just like someone driving the 
highway crashes your lane, wile jibbering on a cell phone, reading 
the paper, doing their hair, emailing on their Blackberry etc.
The responsibility for decent operating rests with the operator, themselves.
Relying on the FCC, TUV,ACMA and other regulatory organisations to 
solve problems in our hobby, does not often provide the results we 
would like. These regulators are sick of us.....believe me. The money 
they get from Ham licencing? We are a liability to them.
Having said that, its really up to the like of the ARRL, RSGB, WIA 
and other organisations in the World to play more of a part in the 
hobby regulating itself and promoting good band plans that reflect 
harmonious operating in the hobby.
The Pactor 3 problem?  There are many other considerations too, ALE, 
Propnet, APRS and the list goes on growing..........
Many of the these modes use a form of beacons for their 
operations.  They are all entitled to some consideration in trying to 
work within band plans, some of which maybe need changing?
The major part of these problems is the political agendas that seem 
to always screwup the potential of anything good, that can benefit 
the majority of people, when there is a decision making process going on.
Yep, thats life as a Human Being on this Earth :-)
You all may think, OK what goes here? I have been on this board all 
of 5 minutes, so people are thinking.....what's my agenda?
You're right, I DO have an agenda, its carrying out 
experiments/operation on HF 300 baud Packet, HF Robust 200/600 baud 
Packet, compared to Amtor, Pactor 1 & II along with some PSK31 etc.
Now you want to know WHY?
OK, MY "other" hobby is motorcycles, specifically "off road" ones and 
the remote places I ride them. I am trying to integrate my Ham hobby, 
with riding in remote places. My best option for digital modes is a 
TNC based system. An SCS PTC-IIex, with Icom 703, Buddipole antenna, 
RS232 AA battery powered dumb terminal OR Psion 3mx palmtop allows me 
to operate motorcycle portable on Amtor, Pactor, Packet, PSK31, CW. 
Its a compact, portable station which allows me to also run a 
"mailbox" on the motorcycle, while mobile or portable. Carrying a 
laptop is not something I want to do.......that leaves all the sound 
card modes out.
Having just bought a bike for my expeditions in South Africa, for 
riding there and to surrounding countries, and playing Ham Radio, its 
gonna be a whole lot of fun!



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