Hi Jack....both multipsk and fldigi have a feature where you can monitor your transmit signal......one way to learn what they look like is to turn the feature on and the try transmitting the various modes and learn to see what they look like.....
there is more than one way of killing the cat as they say...

73 David VK4BDJ

Jack Chomley wrote:

At 08:18 AM 1/7/2008, you wrote:

IDing in CW has the benefits that its universally understood, requires no decoding software, and is trivial to implement. 73, Dave, AA6YQ

OK, ask ALL software developers to bury that function in their program.....so it can't be switched OFF and IDs at fixed agreed intervals. ID fixed at program reg time (cannot be edited) ALL programs registered, or they don't work. Developers to keep databases of registration. Won't fix a thing....people would simply keep using old versions of software. No, it all comes with a mode awareness campaign and some dedicated software, to work as a decoder.
So...how MANY modes are there?



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