Actually, Mac is based on Unix as is Linux. I have been using a Mac since 1987 and have never worried about a virus etc. Lately I have been playing with Linux which I think is great and has all the Ham apps for digital that I need although for contesting I use Cocoamodem on the Mac. The latest version of Ubuntu, 8.04, is impressive especially on an old 733 Mhz Compaq I have. If you would like to test Ubuntu, you can now install it on your Windoze machine without partitioning the hard drive and everything is in one folder so you can remove it easily. I tried this on a computer I bought at an auction with windowsXp installed but immediately installed Linux but left the other system on it. If you would like to try Ubuntu give this a try.

On 29-Mar-08, at 10:49 AM, Ken Meinken wrote:

Actually, the Mac OS is based on Linux.

FWIW, after using PCs since 1982, I'm now using a Mac. I got tired of all the virus (and anti-virus) hassles with the Windows environment.


On Mar 25, 2008, at 11:12 AM, Howard Brown wrote:

It appears your opinion is shared by others:

An excerpt:

For the first time in ages, the sale of new PCs with Windows as a percentage of the PC market is declining sharply. The new winner is the Mac, but, while no one does a good job of tracking the still- new, pre-installed Linux desktop market, it's also clear that Linux is finally making impressive inroads into Windows' once unchallenged market share.

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