2008/4/12, Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  What would you suggest David to
>  promote the 30 Meter band?  I'm all ears and you can list all your
>  ideas here or email me direct if you wish.

The 30m band don't need any promotion :)

I like and use 30m because :
- There is no contest
- There is no SSB
- There is no CW pile-up with tons of "OMG CQ  DXXXX FFS 59 KTHXBYE"
running on overstressed KiloWatt-class amp (who said CW had no
bandwidth ? :p )
- lot of QRPer, fuzzy mode, Visual MEPT, ...
- in 1 word : "peacefull" band :)

The 30m band have many unofficial (a real gentlman agreement)
sub-sub-sub-band. And bringing people that are not used to the lovely
30m band is a bad idea.

I love the idea to promote QRP, QRPp, unusual digital mode.
And the 30m band is perfect for that.
The 30m is perfect for that, exactly because there is no event, no
contest, no pile-up, no DX chasing, ... Well, because it's quiet and
there is a lot of free bandwidth for "experimentation".

I don't know about other country, but the french law explain in the
"radioamateur" definition that you can transmit ONLY for learning
purpose and technical experimentation.
Event, Contest, ... shouldn't happen. It is, of course, totally
ignored by most operator. But i'd like to keep the 30m for learning
purpose and experimentation... as it's supposed to be on every band.
That's why i'm personally against this non-contest/event/weekend.

And about the "bring it on".
It look like a random signature from his mail client.


Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

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